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Featured Oil Paintings

Fulton Pier
Pre-hurricane, the pier may no longer exist. The light in the sky and on the water attracted the artist.

Bar at the Stagecoach BallroomO.png

Arnold W. Oliver
The ferries at Port Aransas look alike and are named after Texans. People on deck watch for dolphins.

China, Marble and Ivy
This collection sat in the corner of the artist's living room for years... and still does.

Light on the street's metal work is long gone replaced by concrete. The artist is pleased this memory was preserved.

Experienced Hatter
In Fort Worth, the artist discovered another artist concentrating on his work.

Inside the Claw Machine
Encased by glass in the Harlingen airport, this world of toys demanded a painting.

Waxahachie Square
A typical Texas town square, this one was near the painter's home and the Oak trees at its rear entrance caught the artist's eye.

Road to Boca Chica
The artist has not revisited this road but knows it now leads to the Space Port. The ocean-looking area to your left is actually salt flats.

Bass Hall
Night and the rain plus the beauty of the building with its lights attracted the artist to this Fort Worth iconic location.
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